News Roundups

Is financial regulation the way to deal with climate change? Exxon loses a lot of oil, and more

Weekly news headlines about the stimulus and recovery.

Weekly news headlines about the stimulus and recovery.

Is financial regulation the way to advance a climate agenda?

President Joe Biden plans to use every tool at his disposal in the fight against climate change, including financial regulation. While not an intuitive choice, supporters say mandating that public companies and investment firms quantify and disclose climate risks — and the costs associated with them — is a bold step that could make ESG (environmental, social and governance) data as commonplace in corporate financial reports as sales and profit figures.

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Financial stability matters when it comes to tackling climate change

Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity. As such, the House Subcommittee on Investor Protection Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets is leading the discussion with a hearing today. They rightfully recognize that with a changing climate comes a completely new dimension of risk to the financial industry.

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